Articles and More
The articles here are a selection of my writings on topics ranging from Anthroposophy, transdisciplinarity, Sufism, and Integral Yoga to quantum theory, neurophilosophy, and cosmology - as well as some poems and even a work of fiction. See shorter, more recent works at the Spirit Alchemy blog, It's Elemental.
An Esoteric Guide to George Spencer-Brown's "Laws of Form"
This essay is an exploration of the question “what reflections might result from shining an esoteric/spiritual light upon George Spencer-Brown’s book, Laws of Form?” It is written as an informal guide, a commentary, and a playful esoteric romp with serious detours into epistemology, ontology, and second-order cybernetics. It follows the text of Laws of Form closely from beginning to end, but brings in a diverse number of perspectives, most specifically that of anthroposophy (Rudolf Steiner’s spiritual science).
Levels of Dreaming and the Makeup of the Human Being: The Spiritual Ontology of Dreaming
This essay examines the source of different types of dreams in the spiritual makeup of the human being, composed of physical, etheric, astral, and Egoic aspects. With a fundamental distinction between dream forms and dream content, this essay examines four levels of dreaming, each one associated with a particular set of relationships between the physical, etheric, astral, and Ego. The transition of consciousness between different states is shown to give rise to the phenomenon of "projection", which consequently provides opportunities for soul-work. The relations are described with an eye towards those interested in gaining a deeper relationship to their dream life, and in particular to those involved in spiritual development.
The Art of Nature: Alchemy, Goethe, and a New Aesthetic Consciousness
This essay explores the building of a new aesthetic consciousness, working out of insights from alchemy, into a new aesthetic method of observing brought forth by Goethe, and ending with a brief mention of the way this stream was taken further with the works of Rudolf Steiner. I present an evocative picture of the development of this new consciousness, which Goethe felt dissolved the subject/object boundary, and give a series of images and related videos as a part of a brief practical example of how this consciousness can be developed. I invite you, the reader, to participate actively in your reading of this work, as if you were viewing an artistic piece, to get into a mood suitable for engagement with the content herein.
Rudolf Steiner and Sri Aurobindo: A Beginning Comparison
This longer essay summarizes the basic elements of the spiritual-cosmological worldviews of two of the most important modern, integrative spiritual thinkers: Rudolf Steiner and Sri Aurobindo. Upon this foundation a brief comparison is made between the two systems and the two men.
Quantum Mechanics: To Understand or Not Understand; that is the Superposition
This essay explores the relationship between everyday experience and quantum mechanics. Does an understanding of quantum mechanical principles have an effect on an average person’s life? Do we even understand quantum mechanics, and if so, does such an understanding change our lived epistemology? Or must our epistemology be forever locked to the scale of experiences that occupy our normal experiences of the world? Both sides of the issue are explored.
Transforming Transformation: Sociological Considerations of a Background to an Alchemical Cybernetics
This essay begins to explore concerns raised by the contemporary study of the sociology of knowledge to the potential inception of a discipline I am calling cybernetic alchemy.
Patterns in Process: Transdisciplinarity as a Background for Working with an Archetype of Transformation
This paper explores the archetype of transformation found in the elemental cycle in the context of transdisciplinarian concepts. In it, I describe the basis of my inquiry into the elemental cycle, why it is important, some history of its development, and its situation in regards to a transdisciplinary framework.
Book Review: When Minds Won't Stay Put
A critical review of Andy Clark’s new book Supersizing the Mind: Embodiment, Action, and Cognitive Extension.
The Spiritual Matrix: An Anthroposophical Reading
An in-depth, behind the scenes look at how anthroposophy provides a coherent, 'close' reading of the three Matrix movies.
Thinking Towards Freedom: Rudolf Steiner’s Epistemology and its Consequences for Human Freedom
Almost a summary of Steiner's works Truth and Knowledge and The Philosophy of Spiritual Activity (a.k.a. The Philosophy of Freedom), this paper explores the foundations of epistemology and the meaning of freedom.
Physics, Metaphysics, and a Whiteheadian Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics: An Exploration
How might Whitehead have responded to modern quantum physics? Find out here!
Waking and Dreaming: Illusion, Reality, and Ontology in Advaita Vedanta
A theoretical exploration of dreaming from the perspective of Advaita (non-dual) Vedanta, or: An exploration of the question, "How do you know when you are awake?"
Sleep and Dreams in Anthroposophy
How spiritual science coherently links sleeping, dreaming, and waking by tracing the relations between the different aspects of the human organism. With predictions!
Zero: Thoughts on a Poem by Hafiz
A short and powerful poem by one of the best Sufi poets.
The Cosmology of the Integral Yoga
A look at the cosmology behind Sri Aurobindo's Integral Yoga and the work of Thomas Berry and Brian Swimme.
Reflections on the Reflexive Universe
An analysis of Arthur Young's terribly interesting work.
Contemporary Life and the Esoteric Path of Anthroposophy
How anthroposophy provides an appropriate path of esoteric development for modern seekers.
<red> (a poem)
Ever heard of qualia? Then this poem's for you!
Emotional Transformation in the Threefold Human Being
A critical look at three modern approaches to emotional transformation: Eugene Gendlin's Focusing, Tara Bennett-Goleman's Emotional Alchemy, and Miriam Greenspan's Healing Through the Dark Emotions.
Ibn al-‘Arabī and the Oneness of Being
An introduction to this difficult but quite important Sufi concept.
Audacity and the Esoteric Disposition
A short work exploring the esoteric disposition and its connection to Eve.
The Stone (a poem)
It's about consciousness.
Ghosts No More (a short work of fiction)
What happens when the computer wakes up.
Science and Consciousness: Answers to Questions
A smorgasboard of thoughts concerning a variety of topics, all relating to consciousness: science vs. scientific materialism, scientific materialism's view of consciousness, qualia, special relativity and consciousness, quantum theory and consciousness, A.N. Whitehead's event ontology, David Deutsch's multiverse interpreteation of quantum theory, Damasio's core and extended consciousnesses, and a vision of a holistic science of consciousness. Whew!!
Body Poems (poems inspired by the different systems of the human organism)
Bones and Muscles
Pelvis, Reproductive Organs, and Fluids
Heart, Arms, Hands
Lungs, Diaphragm, Skin, Voice
Immune System, Endocrine System
Neurophilosophy of Consciousness - Some Responses
"Conversational" responses to readings, covering authors and topics like: Solms & Turnbull's The Brain and the Inner World, neuroethics, Steven Johnson's Mind Wide Open, Lakoff & Johnson's Philosophy in the Flesh, Damasio's The Feeling of What Happens, Why God Won't Go Away, and psychoneuroimmunology. Yum!
Ken Wilber's Integral Map: A Survey and Analysis
An introduction and cricital look at the basics of Wilber's Integral Theory.
Graduation Speech: East Bay Waldorf School Class of 2008
I was asked to speak at the East Bay Waldorf School's high school graduation in El Sobrante, CA, where I taught for four years. It was my honor to do so, and this is what I said.