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no wanderingly word yellow time

No wanderingly word yellow time
Arising whence given is
Can see our once only forgotten self
Amidst lost yeses and tree breeze now

While I am swimming perfect in your smile
Moonbeam sunshingly of traces giving
A thought no longer madly or wide
caved which in a mind most mild

See bubbling now because is
Like no is yes misremembered
But truly unmadly this blossoming rose
Too unshared in our timelessly love

For love and lovely it is
This future present now
A whitely question always yes
And once everyone never no

So softly I ask wondering you
How now is other than us
When we are the every only now
For love is less time than yes

I see was whence will be
Nothing lessly more than is
This freely unfolding flame of us
All warm gazes unwrapped

Only questioningly bliss in come
To what never was only now
But is every other be in yes
Like it is in your eyes

wholly illimitably us

© 2009 Seth Miller | Design by Seth Miller | Alchemical.org