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swept by unseen currents i twist
a broken twig in a wide wide river
this is not what i would have wished
in these waves i gasp and shiver

this winter’s night is full of frost
and i am battered, beaten, and torn
but i must not give up despite the cost
i must win through to the morn

an escape do i verily see
i must carve my own body into a ship
for in this way only should i win free
and find my way to a sandy strip

discard all ballast and freight
only essentials must remain
carry no meaningless weight
this ship is by love maintained

with heavy soul i’ll go under
with untrained mind i’ll surely sink
i must let go to become wonder
in purity, with truth i must think

this path does have its danger
but to this i’m no stranger
for there is no worthier goal
than to purify one’s soul

© 2009 Seth Miller | Design by Seth Miller | Alchemical.org