Spirit Alchemy
"The four elements are the basis of all creation."
-Eugene Canseliet
A Website for Understanding Transformation
This website intends to provide an introduction to the theory and practice associated with the four elements: Earth, Water, Air, and Fire.
These elements act as a template for the structuring of human consciousness, and can be of help in understanding transformation, whether that be the transformation of the outer, physical world, or the transformation of our own soul and spirit.
If you are new to the elemental cycle, you may wish to start with the Primer to get a basic, practical picture of the four elements and how to use them.
If you wish to delve deeper, you should take a look at the major document on this site, The Elements as an Archetype of Transformation. Check out the table of contents and see if anything speaks to you. Some sections might make sense out of their normal order, but the work was written in such a way that it is best read from the beginning.
A number of other original works are placed in the Articles section. I also have a lot of different content on It's Elemental, my blog. Please explore the links at left, or check out some of my alchemically designed clothing and other fun things (also look here and here).
Thank you for visiting!
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